Anywho... This little garden blog could really be updated to some sort of small farm blog. Let me lay down what we've added. We have 10 chickens at the moment. Unfortunately, this number fluctuates due to the fact that my dogs aren't chicken lovers... especially my Boston Terrier... he's more of a chicken killer! sniff sniff.... We also have 2 wonderful goats!! Penny is a Nubian and Nigel is a Nigerian Dwarf! They are so amazing and lovable! In all honesty, I think Penny believes she is more of a lap dog than a goat. For a time, she was trying to get into the house to be with us, she follows me constantly when I'm outside and she occasionally tries to get me to hold her.
Baby Nigel being bottle-fed
Mis Penny Lane
All the amazing blue & brown eggs we get daily
Penny loves to relax in the hammock!
Well, on to the garden, I guess. We have some wonderful things growing right now!! Truly delicious! Our grape vines are giving us grapes, we have watermelon growing like crazy, squash, corn, carrots, english cucumber, tomatoes out the wazoo!! I guess picture tell a better story in the garden. Here are a few... more to come tomorrow... or the next day. Until then, adieu & go get your hands dirty in the yard!
GOOD FOR YOU MICHELLE!! Love seeing the garden and I'm super jealous of your goats. We now have 19 chickens. 4 hens (laying off and on) and 15 hens we got as 2 day olds. They've molted (except for one) and should start laying in another month or so. I'm working on a secret garden project I'll send you and Damin pics of. Love SewnClever! Not sure if you've heard but we have a baby girl on the way and some of your stuff looks too cute to pass up. Talk to you soon. Love to you, D and the family. -Ryan
forgot to tell you. Laura and I took a goat cheese making class. We milked goats and then made cheese. It was SO fun! It's pretty easy too. We made 3 kinds of cheese. Are you either making cheese or looking into it? -Ryan
last post. sorry for the 2 "L's" :-)
Congrats on the baby girl!! When is Laura due? Super rad! Glad you love SewnClever! Just a fun little project for me and my friends. I want to start milking Penny and making goat cheese but I'm a little nervous to get started and be overwhelmed. I feel like I'm so busy already. I heard goat milk soap is super easy to make as well. I think it all depends on how things go once Sydney starts kindergarten and Damin starts his job. I can't wait to see your pics of your secret garden project! I'm working on some kind of secret project with some friends. We're looking to start some sort of a backyard farmer's market kind of deal. Should be pretty rad. Awesome to hear from you!!
Thanks for the post mate you have written it very well.
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