Well, this morning oddly enough a random chicken dropped by our backyard and it looks like she has decided to stay. Our fence is up now, so she should be safe. We also got some replacement chicks. I was quite attached to my girls, but the new ones will help me move on. We picked up a barred rock (Genevieve), buff orpington (Coco), austerlorp (Poppy), silver laced wyandotte (Sunflower). We transfered the names of the deceased to their replacement counterparts, except Sydney had decided to name our visiting guest Chloe and name the
Wyandotte and new name. We have two americanas on order due in a week (Madeline & Olivia). We are starting the whole process over again... chicks in the bathroom for 2 months... fun!
Other than that... a little garden update.
Tomatoes are growing like crazy! I have my first eggplant coming in nicely. I also have planted micro greens. My first time, but they are super easy!! We also planted some banana tree transplants that have taken well. And we will have 2 storybook pumpkins in time for Halloween.
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