We have had a few chicks for a week and just picked up a few more today. I think the 6 we have will complete our coop for now. However, the pig at the feed store was tugging at mine and Damin's heart strings. Last week when I was there, I almost left with a 2 week old goat! She cried for me every time I left her side! Next spring we may seriously see a goat or pig.
Here are our little babies. Allow me to introduce them....
2 Ameraucanas (Madeline & Olivia) They lay blue & green tinted eggs!
Buff Orpington (Coco)
Australorp (Poppy)
Plymouth Rock (Genevieve)
Wyandotte (Chloe) I believe she is a golden laced Wyandotte
I will post better pictures of the girls this weekend (I hope)