So, when I first decided to start my garden, I originally wanted to make above ground boxes to garden in and make it look all beautiful. Then, Damin suggested that I make rows and dig trenches, so it would be easier for me to water. I figured since I don't have sprinklers in my garden area, that I should probably take his advice. So, that has been my plan for the past few weeks, but every time I would go out to the future garden area, I would feel very overwhelmed because of all of the rocks and weeds presently there.
Then, a few days ago my friend Ryan suggested a book to me when he left a comment for a previous post. The book he recommended is called Square Foot Gardening. I haven't looked at the book yet, except by checking it out on, and it is now taking me back to my original idea. Basically from my understanding you build a box that is 4 feet by 4 feet and create 1 foot by 1 foot areas inside each box to plant an individual plant. It is supposed to save you space and time. So, now I am once again considering building boxes to plant my veggies in. I have read that if you plant in boxes to buy certain types of wood and what type of soil to fill the boxes with.
I am going to go to the library on Monday and check out this book... I think it will be right up my alley. I especially like this idea because not only do I want an organic veggie garden that will produce delicious produce for my family, is easy to maintain in respect to weeds (there should be no weeds since I will be adding new dirt to the boxes), gives me more yield for my space, and helps me have a continual harvest... I am also desiring a garden that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Being the neat-freak I am, I want it to be neat and organized. I can have a stone pathway between my boxes lined with clover!
If anyone has any suggestions or has a preference of method, please let me know. I need to make my decision very soon because I have seeds to plant. I think I made my decision a long time ago and am now back on track.